Friday, January 19, 2018

Princess Sky

        I have a dog named Sky. She is considered to be one of the smallest dog breeds. Sky is a very outgoing and loving Chihuahua. Her birthday is on May 5th (Cinco de Mayo). I was able to bring her home when she was two months. As soon as I knew that she was going to come home, I went to Petco (a pet store) and got her a bed, food bowls, a blanket, and some toys. The first night that she was away from her parents, she cried a lot. I did not sleep the whole night because I was worried about her. I was worried because I felt like she was scared and lonely without her mom and dad. The following morning, I tried to feed her and she did not eat her food. I was heart broken because she looked extremely sad. I left the house without brushing my hair. When it was time to feed her later on in the day, she refused to eat. That was the breaking point for me. I was ready to return her to her owner. I called her and told her what happened and how I wanted to return Sky. As the weeks went by, Sky was a different dog. She began to play, chew on my shoes, destroyed many things around the house, and went through the different stages that a dog goes through. Two years later, she is the happiest to be with my family. She loves family time, shopping at Pet Smart, walking through the neighborhood, family parties, and dressing up. 


Dog breed: A particular dog from a variety of different dogs
Worried: To feel or show fear because you or someone may feel like something bad has happened or will happen.
Lonely: Feeling alone
Heart Broken: When someone is feeling very upset. 
Extremely: A high extent of something
Refused: Not wanting to do something or want something
Convinced: Being certain or sure about something
Breaking Point: A time where a person can't deal with or accept a situation because they are either stressed, scared, have too much pressure or feel uncertain.

Vocabulary Exercise

Fill in the blanks

1. When the sun was beaming down, Elena felt ____________ hot. 

2. Gabriel  ___________ to take the garbage out. 
3. My teacher was ____________ that we cheated on the test. 
4. When we saw that the dog had a missing leg, we were __________.
5. Ryan went on vacation and his mother was alone in the house. She felt very ____________.
6. A Pitbull is a _________. 
7. Her mom was __________ because she left her homework at home. 
8. The situation reached the __________ ___________ when Edwin lied to his parents. 

Grammar Point 
Past progressive tense: Something that happened at some point in the past. 
Some examples include:
was crying
was worried

Activity: Finish each sentence with a past progressive tense. 

1. When she was ten years old, she ________ to the bus stop. 
2. Rebecca _______ her homework on time. 
3. My mom ________ every Saturday when I was younger. 
4. We ________ our neighbor cut the grass. 
5. They ________ in their coloring books. 

Smallest Country In Central America

Let's Take a Trip to El Salvador

        My parents are from El Salvador. El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. I have visited the country many times. My family and I try to take annual vacations to El Salvador. Many describe the country as the most violent country in Central America because of the gangs that have formed in the country. The citizens of the country live in fear because they do not know if it will be their last day. However, El Salvador, is a beautiful country. The country has a lot to offer. There are many places to visit, many beautiful beaches to go to and fun activities to do. What I love the most is the people that live in the country.
        There is a great number or citizens that live in poverty. Some people have to travel many miles to get water for their homes. Many go to rivers to wash their clothes because they do not have water like we do nor do they have washing machines. However, the more fortunate have washing machines. The average worker makes five dollars a day. What can five dollars get you? There are some children that don't go to school because they have to provide food for their homes. Not many people have the luxury of wearing different outfits every day because they can't afford new clothing. Their clothing usually has holes, is dirty or is worn out. There are a lot of people that have one or two outfits for the year. Many wear the same shoes every day.
        Every time I travel to the country and see what many people go through, I reflect on the way I live. I also consider myself blessed because I have every thing I need. It makes me appreciate the way my family and I live because not many people get to live the way we do (compared to the people in El Salvador).

* Annual: something that happens once a year.
* Describe: Giving details about something.
* Violent: Identified as an uncontrolled, strong or rough force.
* Citizen: a member of a country.
* Poverty: the state of having little or no money or having few or no material possessions.
* Fortunate: To be lucky.
* Average: A number that represents the central or typical value in a set of data.
* Provide: To give or make something available.
* Luxury: Something that is an excess rather than a necessity.
* Reflect: To look back on.
* Blessed: To be fortunate.
* Appreciate: To be thankful.
* Compared: When you see the similarities between two or more things.

Vocabulary Exercise

Finish the sentence.

1. There is poverty in El Salvador because...
2. Skyla appreciates...
3. My mother described the...
4. The video game was violent because...
5. A citizen was walking...
6. My teacher provided the class...
7. She wanted to live in luxury because...
8. The annual fair was...
9. An average person...
10. I used to reflect on...
11. They compared the...
12. My parents showed me how to appreciate...

Grammar Point- Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

Activity: Compare and Contrast the life in El Salvador and the life in the United States based on the blog.


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